Official Tournament Rules

By Jack Reda

Galactic Championship tournament play will take place on Friday and Saturday.  Each day will crown a tournament winner. Players will participate in two games for Round One, after which the top players will advance to a single game in Round Two.  The top six players from Round Two will compete against each other for the day's crown and prizes.

*Escape Velocity participants who attend both days are eligible to play (and win) on both days!

The official Cosmic Encounter Rules are designed to allow tournament play within a relatively defined time frame. A point system is used to end the first and second round games in 50 minutes, preventing them from being prolonged as players struggle for solo victories.


Divide players into four-player games. This round will have two games. Each game will last for 50 minutes. The first game in this round will use the basic Cosmic Encounter set only. At the end of 50 minutes, end all games, distribute the game points, players switch around so that they are in new groups and begin the second game. All players advance to the seconds game. The second game will add in Cosmic Incursion and Cosmic Conflict. End the game after 50 minutes and total each player’s points from game one and game two.

Game Schedule

Friday, May 24

Game 1 [12:30p - 1:20p]

Game 2 [1:30p - 2:20p]

Saturday, May 25

Game 1 [11:00a - 11:50a]

Game 2 [12:00p - 12:50p]


To advance to round 2 a player must score high enough to make the cut off. Scores are totaled from game one and game two. The cut off is figured by taking the top scoring players in multiples of four until you have about half of the original players.


There will be one game in round two. Divide the players into four player games. The game will last for 50 minutes. Add in Cosmic Alliance and Cosmic Storm. Victory points are figured by the same system, but players do not carry their round one points over into this round. All players are starting from zero points.

Game Schedule

Friday, May 24

Game 3 [2:45p - 3:35p]

Saturday, May 25

Game 3 [1:30p - 2:20p]


The top six players, based on the points earned in round two only, advance to the finals.


One game, no time limit. Add Cosmic Dominion and Cosmic Eons. No points are used, the regular winner(s) are the champions.

Game Schedule

Friday, May 24

Game 4 [4:00p - 6:00p]

Saturday, May 25

Game 4 [2:45p - 6:00p]


The victory point system is used in round one and round two. At the end of 50 minutes each player gets:

  • 1 point for every home colony (5 possible)

  • 2 points for every foreign colony (10 possible)

  • 6 points in the pot divided among the winners.

Example: A player who won alone, and who still had all home colonies would have 21 points (5 for home colonies + 10 for foreign colonies + 6 from the pot).