Cosmic Storm, the fourth expansion for FFG's version of Cosmic Encounter, sets the galaxy trembling as twenty-five new alien races come zipping through the cosmos. Guard yourself against the sticky-fingered Swindler, and stand in awe of the massive appetite of the Mouth.
Cosmic Storm also adds ten space stations, which when attached to one of your home planets gives you additional powers to use in your encounters as long as you have at least one ship on that planet. Space station abilities like the "Big Space Laser" or the "Alien Outpost" shake up interstellar encounters and provide even more options for players to maximize their options on their quest for galactic supremacy!
25 aliens in cosmic storm
Arcade - You have the power to Pwn
Brute - You have the power to Threaten
Bulwark - You have the power of Resilience
Converter - You have the power to Exchange
Converter - You have the power to Exchange
Coordinator -You have the power to Schedule
Dervish - You have the power to Whirl
Grumpus - You have the power to Grump
Mouth - You have the power to Gobble
Neighbor - You have the power of Community
Outlaw - You have the power to Waylay
Patriot - You have the power of Loyalty
Phantasm - You have the power of instability
Porcupine -You have the power to Needle
Roach - You have the power to Breed
Scavenger - You have the power to Scavenge
Sloth - You have the power of Laziness
Sneak - You have the power to Infiltrate
Squee - You have the power of Unimaginable Cuteness
Swindler - As the original swindler, you have the power of Identity Theft
Squee - You have the power of Unimaginable Cuteness
Sycophant - You have the power of Flattery
Tide - You have the power to Ebb and Flow
Tyrant - You have the power to Subjugate
Vox - You have the power of Volume
Worm - You have the power to tunnel
Wormhole - You have the power to Translocate
25 Alien Sheets
35 Cards, including:
25 Flare Cards
10 Space Station Cards
1 Sloth Token
7 Swindler Tokens
10 Space Station Markers
Tom Vasel takes a look at the latest expansion for Cosmic Encounter, including his top 10 favorite aliens of the 25 included in Cosmic Storm.
Jack Reda of The Warp explains all 10 Space Stations from Cosmic Storm. Since he wished for more Space Stations back then, he added 10 new ones in Cosmic Odyssey.
Designer's Diary - by Bill Eberle & Peter Olotka
COSMIC STORM + Space Stations
FFG designer Jay Little, was the moving force behind Cosmic Storm. Cosmic Storm featured Space Stations which added characteristics to the planets. The special characteristics were not subject to an alien losing its power and a space station can be captured by a winning offense player and spirited away to the offense’s home system.
Cosmic Storm is a good expansion for younger players who are just learning.