Cosmic Encounter Universe

If you’re new to the universe of Cosmic Encounter, welcome! Cosmic has been published for over 42 years by game companies around the world. Fantasy Flight Games has been publishing CE and now 7 expansion sets since 2008.

Who—or what—is out there?

Eons ago, your ancestors searched the black void of space for intelligent life. Their search proved fruitless. They were alone. Desolate, they used their technology to send the seeds of life to inhabitable planets across the galaxies. Over millions of years, the alien species evolved, but before the ancestors could see the fruits of their labor, they disappeared. 

To aid their children, your ancestors left behind a legacy of advanced technology and hyperspace gates- gifts to encourage communication and harmony between their children. But without the guide of an elder, you and your distant alien cousins must learn to communicate, negotiate, and coexist. 

Welcome to the Cosmic Age. The open skies of countless worlds are filled with speeding spaceships, and a panoply of alien species compete to populate the galaxy. Will your people choose to occupy undefended worlds, create peaceful civilizations, or ruthlessly conquer foreign planets? In the quest to colonize the vast cosmos, there are as many paths to victory as there are aliens seeking it. Peace, war, negotiation, betrayal—you never know what will happen in the next encounter! Check out the official Fantasy Flight Games page here.

The 42 Anniversary Edition Inside Story

Quick-start guide & Combo cards

We worked closely with Fantasy Flight Games for over a year to make Cosmic Encounter easier for new players. The comic book Quick-Start guide, Alien Combo Cards, and redesigned rulebook were created to make that first game as smooth as possible.

The Quick-Start Guide leads players though a humorous encounter example with alien dialogue. The Combo Cards ensure that the very first thing players do is “become an alien”. The redesigned rule book resets Flare cards as a variant (like our original Eon Products Cosmic) so that new players are not tasked with that complexity.

This version will help make the game accessible to younger players, who are the future lifeblood of Cosmic.


Translucent ships

These ships are more than just eye-candy. Combine them with your old set to make a 10 player game. If you already have Cosmic Incursion, Cosmic Conflict, and Cosmic Alliance you can create a massive 13 player game! And boldly go where few Cosmic players have gone before.

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Exiled from their original galaxy for unprincipled opportunism, the Demon is now included in the core game as the 51st alien. It was created in 2014 as a CosmicCon only promo, but fans kept asking for it! Now you can possess the alien with the power to possess. 

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streamlined | reformatted | indexed rulebook

While the 2008 edition of the rulebook was the best one yet, Fantasy Flight Games saw room for improvement. So they applied the latest company style guide and employed their new tech editors to craft the 2018 version. A high level of effort went into the new rulebook, and we think it paid off. When Future Pastimes first reviewed the document, we were blown away by the new formatting and flow. We had a few rounds of edits which were graciously incorporated by FFG, and we think you'll appreciate the tight integration with all the other new components like the Quick-Start Guide and the Combo Cards. While the QS Guide was designed for new players, the new rulebook was designed to make everyone's Cosmic experience better.  

What's New Overview

  • 34 Cosmic Combo Cards

  • Revised Rulebook

  • Quick-Start Guide

  • 5 New Translucent Ship Colors

  • 51st Alien, the Demon from CosmicCon

  • Updated Token Art

  • New Box Cover Art


Evan, Megan, Brooke, and Brian fly into space in order to colonize the galaxy and be the greatest alien race ever in the interstellar exploration, negotiation, and conflict of Cosmic Encounter.

Tom Vasel explains how to play Cosmic Encounter to the gang. An excellent play through video to begin your Cosmic journey.

Watch this video first if you’re new to the Cosmic Encounter Universe. It’s a highly entertaining how-to-play, why-to-play, and history. Adam of No Rolls Bars fame does it galactic justice here.

Rum & Board’s how-to video appears to be a fan favorite on YouTube. Nice use of the phases indicator at the bottom of the video!


No Rolls Barred makes one of the top 5 Cosmic Encounter videos ever! Don’t miss this epic production.

The Broken Meeple did an enthusiastic walk-thru of the 42nd Anniversary edition when it launched in 2018.

Shut Up & Sit Down’s irreverent, hilarious and risqué game is not to be missed! But have the kids leave the room first.

The Tom Vasel Dice Tower Collection

A lifelong superfan of Cosmic Encounter, Tom was an early champion of the game on YouTube.

Tom Vasel talks about what he loves most about Cosmic Encounter!

Tom Vasel, Zee Garcia, Mike DiLisio, and Roy Cannaday take a look at Cosmic Encounter, a 43 year old game that one person recently played for the first time.

Tom Vasel takes a look at his favorite ten aliens from Cosmic Encounter.

Tom Vasel takes a look at the original version of Cosmic Encounter! He doesn’t have to break any shrink wrap, but he DOES fold an original alien card…

Player Discussions

Encounter Cards

Encounter cards (or Challenge cards in the older versions of CE) are played by each of the main players in an encounter (during the planning phase). Cards are then revealed simultaneously with one of three normal results:

Attack card versus Attack card: Add the number on the card to the number of ships on one side (main player plus allies) and compare it to the total for the other side. The higher total wins (in most cases), with ties going to the defense.

Attack card versus Negotiate: The player with the Negotiate card automatically loses, but receives compensation from the other player in the form of cards randomly drawn from that player's hand (one for each ship that main player lost).

Negotiate versus Negotiate: The two main players have one minute to make a deal or both players lose any three of their ships to the warp.

Types of Encounter Cards:

Over the various expansions, a number of additional encounter card types have been added to the game.

Morph (Base, CI, CA, CD, CO)- When revealed, this card copies the opposing main player’s encounter card.  When two morphs are revealed by opposing main players, both sides lose the encounter. 

Retreat (CD, CO) - When revealed against an attack card, the revealing main player loses the encounter, but all ships on their side of the encounter (including allies) return to colonies instead of going to the warp.  When revealed against any other encounter card type, it is considered a negotiate.  

Safeguard (CO) -  When revealed against an attack card, before the encounter totals are resolved, the revealing player may send one ship from the opposing side to the warp for each ship they have in the encounter.  When revealed against any other encounter card type, it is considered a negotiate.  

List: 02, 03, 04, 08, 13, 17, 21

Warp Break

When revealed against an attack card, it is considered an attack card of its printed value.

Special Negotiates (CD, CO) - When revealed against an attack card, it is considered an attack card of its printed value.  When revealed against any other encounter card type, it is considered a negotiate.  

List: Negotiate (Crooked Deal), Negotiate (Epic Oratory), Negotiate (Faulty Translator), Negotiate (Right of Refusal), Negotiate (Self Defense), Negotiate (Betrayal), Negotiate (Extreme Demands), Negotiate (Pyrrhic Victory)

Variable Attack (CD) - These cards have a large, black normal value as well as a smaller, white transposed value. When a hazard warning has been drawn, the variable attack card switches to the transposed value upon being revealed as an encounter card. This happens before any other game effects that might modify the card's value or card type.

List: 02/20, 03/30, 12/21, 21/12.

Intimidate (CD) - This is NOT an encounter card, but becomes one when revealed by a main player in an encounter.  Additionally, if a main player has played one face down before prior to the planning phase, they cannot then play an additional encounter card once planning has started.  The intimidate from that point on is considered an encounter card. 

When played by a main player, an intimidate becomes their encounter card; when played by a non-main player, it creates an incentive to invite that player as an ally, since each main player has the option to use one of their allies' intimidate cards (sight unseen) as their encounter card. When revealed against an attack card, it counts as an attack with its printed value.  When revealed against any other encounter card type, it is considered a negotiate.   

List: -09, 19, 29, 39


Card Type: An “encounter card” is not itself a type of card for any effects that target card types (without specifically mentioning encounter cards).  The model used is “attack, negotiate, artifact, etc.” (e.g., the effects of a Plague artifact).  Note that attack and negotiate are listed separately as opposed to listing “encounter card” is a type of card.  

Modifying Encounter Card Values: Many different game effects can modify encounter cards by changing a numeric value, converting the card into a different type, or duplicating another card. 

Game effects which are not strictly related to encounter resolution always refer to the actual printed value. Those which are strictly related to encounter resolution refer to the card's current, modified value. 

Example:  Bubble’s alien power can allow for players to play an attack card as a reinforcement.  Reserve could, in this case, discard a negotiate to cancel one of these “attacks treated as a reinforcement”.  However, once discarded, the attack card is now considered an attack card, so an effect that would allow a player to specifically retrieve a reinforcement card would not be able to retrieve the attack card.  

Selection Order: When encounter cards are selected and played in an encounter, either player may go first, and both players are allowed to change their choice of encounter card after seeing the card-back design (cosmic or reward) of their opponent's encounter card. If this produces a standoff where each player's choice is contingent upon the other player's card back, then use the Timing Rule.  


The following is a list of all aliens from the Fantasy Flight edition of Cosmic Encounter, with the base set or expansion origins.

ACE - Wins with One Colony (CD)

AI - Gets Smarter (CE)

ALCHEMIST - Converts Cards by Type (CD)

ALIEN - Abducts Other Aliens (CE)

AMOEBA - Unlimited Ship Movement (Base)

ANARCHIST - Disrupts Rules (CE)

ANGLER - Fishes for Cards (CD)

ANIMAL - Throws a Hearty Party (CA)

ANTI-MATTER - Lower Total Wins (Base)

ARCADE - Wins By Dominating Encounters (CS)

ARCHITECT - Stacks Planets (CE)

ARISTOCRAT - Picks Hand and Draws Extra Flares (CE)

ASSESSOR - Taxes Multi-ship Involvement (CO)

ASSISTANT - Makes Players Better (CE)

AURA - Makes Others Reveal Cards (CO)

BANDIT - "Takes a Spin" Each Turn (CA)

BARBARIAN - Destroys Opponent's Hand (Base)

BLEEDING HEART - Low Attacks Become Negotiates (CE)

BOOMERANG - Wins by returning (CO)

BOOSTER - Sheds Cards When Launching (CO)

BRIDE - Marries Players (CD)

BRUTE - Threatens Opponent's Ships (CS)

BRUTE - Pressures Opponent’s Ships (CO)

BUBBLE - Attacks with reinforcements (CO)

BULLY - Selects Losing Ships (CI)

BULWARK - Reduces Ships Lost to One (CS)

BUTLER - Gets Cards for Chores (CA)

CALCULATOR - Reduces Higher Attack Card (Base)

CAVALRY - Plays Encounter Card as Ally (CC)

CHANGELING - Swaps Powers with Opponent (CC)

CHOSEN - Takes New Encounter Card (Base)

CHRONOS - Can Replay Encounter (CI)

CHRYSALIS - Becomes Another Alien (CA)

CITADEL - Builds Citadels on Planets (Base)

THE CLAW - Steals Planets (CC)

CLOAK - Makes Secret Changes (CE)

CLONE - Keeps Own Encounter Card (Base)

CONVERTER - Can Substitute Cards for Ships (CS)

COORDINATOR - Manipulates Destiny Deck (CS)

COSMOS - Changes Rules (CO)

COWARD - Withdraws From Encounters (CE)

CRUSHER - Reduces Ships to One (CE)

CRYO - Saves Cards for Later (CI)

CRYSTAL - May Multiply Attack Cards (CA)

CUDGEL - Opponent Loses More Ship (Base)

THE CULT - Recruits Members (CE)

CYBORG - Has 3 Extra Faceup Cards (CA)

DAREDEVIL - Cuts Close to Gain Rewards (CD)

DAREDEVIL - Plays with Fire to Gain Rewards (CO)

DECOY - Has a Backup Encounter Card (CO)

DEMON - Possesses Others' Hands (42nd)

DEMON - Dominates Allies’ Ships (CO)

DELEGATOR - Assigns Main Players (CO)

DERVISH - Rotates Cards Left or Right (CS)

DEUCE - Plays 2 Encounter Cards (CI)

DICTATOR - Controls Destiny Deck (Base)

DIPLOMAT - Can Negotiate 3-Way Deals (CD)

DISEASE - Spreads to Other Planets (CI)

DOPPELGANGER - Borrows Cards to Play (CD)

DRAGON - Scorches Planets (CO)

EMPATH - May Change Attack to Negotiate (CC)

EMPEROR - Demands Tribute (CE)

ENGINEER - Gains Tech When Losing (CD)

ETHIC - Gets Compensation for Attack (CI)

EVIL TWIN - Avoids Penalties (CE)

EXPLORER - Finds New Planets (CD)

EXTORTIONIST - Gets Half of All New Cards (CA)

EXTRACTOR - Displaces Ships (CO)

FIDO - Retrieves Discarded Cards (Base)

FILCH - Takes Opponent's Used Card (Base)

FILTH - Drives Away Others' Ships (CC)

FIRE DANCER - Blocks Access (CE)

FODDER - Plays Additional Low Cards (Base)

FORCE - Can Replace an Encounter Card (CO)

FUNGUS - Attaches to Other Ship (CI)

FURY - Avenges Lost Ships (CI)

GAMBLER - Bluffs About Card (Base)

GEEK - Knows Too Much (CO)

GENERAL - Draws Cards for Allies (CA)

GENIUS - Wins with 20 Cards (CI)

GHOUL - Rewarded for Defeating Ships (CI)

GLUTTON - Gets Extra Ships and Cards (CC)

GORGON - Petrifies Others' Ships (CA)

GRAVITON - Compresses Attacks to 1 Digit (CC)

GREENHORN - Makes Convenient Mistakes (CD)

GREMLIN - Plays Hazard Cards (CO)

GRUDGE - Penalizes for Refusing to Ally (Base)

GRUMPUS - Kicks Others Off Vacated Planets (CS)

GRUMPUS - Kicks Others Off Home System (CO)

GUARDIAN - Ships Are Worth More As Ally (CO)

GUERRILLA - Winners Lose All But 1 Ship (CI)

HACKER - Chooses Compensation (Base)

HATE - Opponents Lose Cards or Ships (Base)

HEALER - Can Save Others' Ships from Warp (Base)

HORDE - Gains Tokens That Act as Ships (CA)

HOST - Plays and Adds Unused Flares (CD)

HUMAN - Mostly Harmless (Base)

HUNGER - Feeds on Others' Hands (CE)

HURTZ - Leases Ships (CO)

HYPOCHONDRIAC - Shares Anxiety (CE)

INDUSTRIALIST - Adds Losing Attack Cards (CC)

INFERNO - Collects Discarded Flares (CO)

INVADER - Launches Sneak Attacks (CC)

INSECT - Gains Control of New Aliens (CO)

JOKER - Makes Attack Cards Wild (CD)

JUDGE - Assigns Extra Win/Lose Terms (CD)

KAMIKAZE - Sacrifices Ships for Cards (Base)

KLUTZ - Fumbles Cards and Ships (CE)

LASER - Blinds Opponent to Part of Hand (CD)

LEMMING - Gains Colonies from Ships in The Warp (CO)

LEVIATHAN - May Attack with Planet (CI)

LIGHTNING - Gains and Takes Away Encounters (CA)

LIZARD - Metamorphoses After Winning (CD)

LLOYD - Protects Players' Assets (CO)

LOCUST - Eats Planets When Alone (CI)

LOCUST - Eats Planets (CO)

LOSER - Winner Loses and Loser Wins (Base)

LOVE - Makes the Cosmos Go 'Round (CD)

LUNATIC - Allies Against Self (CC)

MACHINE - Can Continue Turn (Base)

MACRON - Each Ship is Worth 4 (Base)

MAGICIAN - Steals Card, Confounds Opponent (CI)

MAGNET - Attracts or Repels an Ally (CO)

MASOCHIST - Tries to Lose Own Ships (Base)

MASOCHIST - Cannot Recover Ships (CO)

MAVEN - Is Always Right (CE)

THE MEEK - Wins by Losing Encounters (CO)

MERCENARY - Always Rewarded for Winning (CI)

MERCHANT - Plays Cards as Extra Ship (CI)

MESMER - Can Change Own Artifacts (CD)

MICRON - Ships Are Worth 2 (CO)

MIMIC - Copies Opponent's Hand Size (CC)

MIND - Sees Other Players' Hands (Base)

MIRAGE - Changes Number of Ships Involved (CD)

MIRROR - Swaps Digits on Attack Cards (Base)

MISER - Gets Second Hand (Base)

MITE - Demands Colony or Loss of Card (Base)

MOOCHER - Intrudes (CE)

MOUTH - Gobbles Up Cards (CS)

MUCKRAKER - Gets Allies Thrown Out (CD)

MULTITUDE - Grows Exponentially (CE)

MUTANT - Maintains 8-Card Hand (Base)

NANNY - Motivates (CE)

NEGATOR - Negates Actions (CO)

NEIGHBOR - Adds All Ships in System to Attack (CS)

NIGHTMARE - Gives Bad Dreams (CE)

OBSERVER - Allies Do Not Go to Warp (Base)

OLIGARCH - Gets Richer as Others Get Poorer (CE)

ORACLE - Foresees Opponent's Card (Base)

OUTLAW - Steals Cards from Opponents (CS)

PACIFIST - Wins with Negotiate Card (Base)

PACK RAT - Collects Objects (CE)

PARASITE - Joins Alliance at Will (Base)

PARTICLE - Planets Are Paired (CE)

PATRIOT - Offers Cards to Secure Loyalty (CS)

PEDDLER - Sells Cards (CE)

PENTAFORM - Has Five Life Stages (CD)

PERFECTIONIST - Keeps Only the Best (CE)

PERFECTIONIST - Sorts Out Trash (CO)

PHANTASM - Replaces Encounter Card (CS)

PHANTOM - Has Holographic Ships (CO)

PHILANTHROPIST - Gives Away Cards (Base)

PICKPOCKET - Lifts Cards from Other Players (CD)

PIRATE - Captures Ships for Booty (CD)

PLANT - Accumulates Opponents' Powers (CI)

POISON - Has Hazardous Home System (CA)

PORCUPINE - Discard Cards for Attack Power (CS)

PRETENDER - Moves to Best Seat (CE)

PROPHET - Predicts Encounter Winner (CC)

PYGMY - Colonies Count as Half (CA)

QUARTERMASTER - Delivers Rewards (CD)

REACTOR - Makes Aliens Super (CD)

REBORN - Filters Hand of Cards (CA)

REINCARNATOR - Uses Powers Not in Game (Base)

RELIC - Gains Power from New Hands (CC)

REMORA - Gets Cards or Ships With Others (Base)

REMOTE - Forces Others to Ally (CA)

RESERVE - Can Use Attacks as Reinforcements (Base)

ROACH - Spawns Additional Ships (CS)

SABOTEUR - Booby Traps Planets (CC)

SADIST - Wins by Killing Others' Ships (CC)

SADIST - Defeats Ships to Win (CO)

SAPIENT - Adds Wisdom Points (CA)

SCAVENGER - Searches Discard Pile (CS)

SCHIZOID - Changes Goal of Game (CA)

SCHIZOID - Changes How the Game Ends (CO)

SEEKER - Asks "Yes or No" Question (CI)

SHADOW - Removes Others' Ships (Base)

SHERIFF - Upholds the Law (CE)

SILENCER - Silences Other Players (CO)

SIREN - Entices Challengers (CC)

SKEPTIC - Doubles Risk of Encounters (CA)

SLOTH - Shows Up at Last Minute (CS)

SNEAK - Colonizes Attacker (CS)

SNIVELER - Catches Up When Behind (CI)

SORCERER - Can Switch Played Cards (Base)

SPIFF - Receives Colony as Loser (Base)

SQUEE - Is Dangerously Adorable (CS)

STING - Switches Lost Ships (CA)

SURGEON - Gives Aliens Facelifts (CE)

SWINDLER - Steals a Player's Identity (CS)

SYCOPHANT - Wins Through Flattery (CS)

SYMBIOTE - Has Twice as Many Ships (CI)

TENTACLE - Adds Digits to the Total (CO)

THROWBACK - Does things the old way (CO)

TICK-TOCK - Limits Length of Game (Base)

TIDE - Makes Players Draw or Discard (CS)

TORTOISE - Gets a Late Start (CE)

TOURIST - Travels on Cruise Liner (CD)

TRADER - Trades Hands with Opponent (Base)

TRICKSTER - Wins Encounters 50% of the Time (CC)

TRIPLER - Low Cards Triple, High Cards 1/3 (Base)

TYRANT - Claims Other Players' Ships (CS)

USURPER - Makes Allies Play Encounter Cards (CD)

VACUUM - Takes Others' Ships to Warp (Base)

VECTOR - Receives Opposite Rewards (CO)

VIRUS - Multiplies in Attack (Base)

VISIONARY - Dictates Encounter Card (CC)

VOID - Eradicates Opponents' Ships (Base)

VOID - Absorbs Opponents' Ships (CO)

VOX - Goes Up to Eleven (CS)

VOYAGER - Can Have a Colony in the Warp (CD)

VULCH - Collects Discarded Artifacts (Base)

WARHAWK - Never Negotiates (CC)

WARPISH - Adds Ships in Warp to Total (Base)

WARRIOR - Adds Experience Points (Base)

WHIRLIGIG - Mixes Two Hands (CD)

WILL - Not Controlled by Destiny (Base)

WINNER - Gets Extra Colonies (CA)

WITCH - Curses Players (CO)

WORM - Re-Aims Hyperspace Gate (CS)

WORMHOLE - Commits Ships from Warp (CS)

WRACK - Punishes for Playing Cards (CO)

XENOPHILE - Gains Strength from "Tourists" (CC)

YIN-YANG - Allies with Both Sides (CD)

ZILCH - Wins by Helping Another Player Win (CO)

ZOMBIE - Never Goes to Warp (Base)

ZOMBIE - Ships Never Stay in the Warp (CO)


These are cards with immediate, single-use effects. Once played and resolved, the card is discarded (into the cosmic deck, or reward deck as appropriate). Previously known as “edicts” in the Eon and Mayfair editions.

The following is a list of all artifacts contained in the Fantasy Flight Games edition of Cosmic Encounter.

Card Zap - Negates Cards. Play this card at any time to negate a flare or artifact card just as a player attempts to use it. The flare or artifact must then be discarded. (2)

Cosmic Zap - Stops Power. Play this card at any time to cancel one use of any alien's power, including your own. That power may not be used again during the current encounter. (2)

Emotion Control - Alters Attack. Play after encounter cards are revealed to treat all attack cards played this encounter as negotiate cards. The main players must then attempt to make a deal. (1)

Force Field - Stops Allies. Play after alliances are formed during an encounter. You may cancel the alliances of any or all players. Canceled allies return their ships to any of their colonies. (1)

Ionic Gas - Stops Compensation and Rewards. Play after the winner of an encounter is determined. No compensation or defensive ally rewards may be collected this encounter. (1)

Mobius Tubes - Frees Ships. Play at the start of one of your encounters to free all ships from the warp. Freed ships may return to any of their owner's colonies. (2)

Plague - Harms Player. Play at the start of any encounter and choose a player. That player loses three ships of his or her choice to the warp (if possible) and must discard one card of each type that he or she has in hand (such as attack, negotiate, artifact, flare, etc.). (1)

Quash - Kills Deal. Play after a deal is made successfully. Cancel the deal, and the dealing players suffer the penalties for a failed deal. (1)

From Cosmic Incursion. 

Card Zap - Negates Cards. Play this card at any time to negate a flare or artifact card just as a player attempts to use it. The flare or artifact must then be discarded. (1)

Cosmic Zap - Stops Power. Play this card at any time to cancel one use of any alien's power, including your own. That power may not be used again during the current encounter. (1)

Finder - Search for Card. Play this card at any time. Choose another player and name a specific card, such as "Attack 40", "Clone flare", or "Plague". Look at the chosen player's hand. If the named card is in his or her hand, you may take it. (1)

Hand Zap - Draw New Hand. Play at the start of any encounter and choose a player (even yourself). That player discards his or her entire hand and draws a new hand of eight cards. No cards may be played in response to this card except cards that cancel its effect. (1)

Space Junk - Take Top Discard. Play this card at any time. Choose any player (even yourself). That player takes the top card of the discard pile and adds it to his or her hand. When several cards go into the discard pile at the same time, you may select any one of them for the targeted player to take. (1)

From Cosmic Alliance. 

Card Zap - Negates Cards. Play this card at any time to negate a flare or artifact card just as a player attempts to use it. The flare or artifact must then be discarded. (1)

Cosmic Zap - Stops Power. Play this card at any time to cancel one use of any alien's power, including your own. That power may not be used again during the current encounter. (1)

Force Field - Stops Allies. Play after alliances are formed during an encounter. You may cancel the alliances of any or all players. Canceled allies return their ships to any of their colonies. (1)

Quash - Kills Deal. Play after a deal is made successfully. Cancel the deal, and the dealing players suffer the penalties for a failed deal. (1)

From Cosmic Dominion:

Omni-Zap - Zaps Anything. Play at any time to copy the effect of any other Zap artifact you name, or to cancel and discard any one card that was just played or revealed. If the encounter or an alien power is now unplayable (e.g., by zapping a destiny, encounter, claw, or schizoid card) then an appropriate replacement is drawn or played (drawing a new hand if ncessary). After use, remove one of your ships from the game or send three of your ships to the warp. (1)

Rebirth - Regains Home Colonies. Play at the start of any encounter and choose a player (even yourself). That player may place one or more of his or her ships, from his or her colonies, onto any planet(s) in his or her home system. (1)

Ship Zap - Sends Ship to Warp. Play at any time. Send to the warp any one ship from anywhere in play, or one that has been removed from the game. (If you remove the offense's last ship from the hyperspace gate, the offense continues with zero ships.) (1)

Solar Wind - Reverses Rewards. Play after encounter cards are revealed. Gains for allies are reversed: defensive allies land on the targeted planet if their side wins, while offensive allies receive rewards if their side wins. (If gains were already reversed, they revert to normal instead.) (1)

Victory Boon - Rewards Defender. Play after the defense wins an encounter. The defense receives rewards equal to the number of his or her ships in the encounter. (1)

From Cosmic Odyssey:

Aperture - Adds Aliens to This Universe. Play during any regroup phase.  If the Double Aliens variant is being used, draw two reward cards.  Otherwise, add the Double Aliens variant (pg 18); each player draws a flare from the flare deck into their hand and gains the corresponding alien sheet.  If the alien has Game Setup text or is not allowed, remove that alien’s flare and sheet from the game and draw again. (1)

Keeper - Keep Non-Encounter Cards. Play before you draw a new hand to set aside one or more of your non-encounter cards.  After drawing your new hand, add the set-aside cards to your new hand. (1)

Omni-Zap - Zaps Anything. Play at any time to copy the effect of any other Zap artifact you name, or to cancel and discard any one card that was just played or revealed. If the encounter or an alien power is now unplayable (e.g., by zapping a destiny, encounter, claw, or schizoid card) then an appropriate replacement is drawn or played (drawing a new hand if ncessary). After use, remove one of your ships from the game or send three of your ships to the warp. (1)

Repeater - Copies Artifact. Play either to copy the ability of an artifact in a discard pile or to copy the ability of any artifact that was played in the current phase (that is not in a discard pile). (1)

Timegash - Inserts Extra Encounter. Play at the start of any encounter and choose any player.  That player becomes the offense and has one (and only one) encounter, drawing a new hand if necessary.   Then, play resumes with the previous offense. (1)


There is no limit to the number of times a particular artifact can be played during an encounter (e.g., Vulch, Space Junk, Mesmer).