The following is a list of all aliens from the Fantasy Flight edition of Cosmic Encounter, with the base set or expansion origins.
ACE - Wins with One Colony (CD)
AI - Gets Smarter (CE)
ALCHEMIST - Converts Cards by Type (CD)
ALIEN - Abducts Other Aliens (CE)
AMOEBA - Unlimited Ship Movement (Base)
ANARCHIST - Disrupts Rules (CE)
ANGLER - Fishes for Cards (CD)
ANIMAL - Throws a Hearty Party (CA)
ANTI-MATTER - Lower Total Wins (Base)
ARCADE - Wins By Dominating Encounters (CS)
ARCHITECT - Stacks Planets (CE)
ARISTOCRAT - Picks Hand and Draws Extra Flares (CE)
ASSESSOR - Taxes Multi-ship Involvement (CO)
ASSISTANT - Makes Players Better (CE)
AURA - Makes Others Reveal Cards (CO)
BANDIT - "Takes a Spin" Each Turn (CA)
BARBARIAN - Destroys Opponent's Hand (Base)
BLEEDING HEART - Low Attacks Become Negotiates (CE)
BOOMERANG - Wins by returning (CO)
BOOSTER - Sheds Cards When Launching (CO)
BRIDE - Marries Players (CD)
BRUTE - Threatens Opponent's Ships (CS)
BRUTE - Pressures Opponent’s Ships (CO)
BUBBLE - Attacks with reinforcements (CO)
BULLY - Selects Losing Ships (CI)
BULWARK - Reduces Ships Lost to One (CS)
BUTLER - Gets Cards for Chores (CA)
CALCULATOR - Reduces Higher Attack Card (Base)
CAVALRY - Plays Encounter Card as Ally (CC)
CHANGELING - Swaps Powers with Opponent (CC)
CHOSEN - Takes New Encounter Card (Base)
CHRONOS - Can Replay Encounter (CI)
CHRYSALIS - Becomes Another Alien (CA)
CITADEL - Builds Citadels on Planets (Base)
THE CLAW - Steals Planets (CC)
CLOAK - Makes Secret Changes (CE)
CLONE - Keeps Own Encounter Card (Base)
CONVERTER - Can Substitute Cards for Ships (CS)
COORDINATOR - Manipulates Destiny Deck (CS)
COSMOS - Changes Rules (CO)
COWARD - Withdraws From Encounters (CE)
CRUSHER - Reduces Ships to One (CE)
CRYO - Saves Cards for Later (CI)
CRYSTAL - May Multiply Attack Cards (CA)
CUDGEL - Opponent Loses More Ship (Base)
THE CULT - Recruits Members (CE)
CYBORG - Has 3 Extra Faceup Cards (CA)
DAREDEVIL - Cuts Close to Gain Rewards (CD)
DAREDEVIL - Plays with Fire to Gain Rewards (CO)
DECOY - Has a Backup Encounter Card (CO)
DEMON - Possesses Others' Hands (42nd)
DEMON - Dominates Allies’ Ships (CO)
DELEGATOR - Assigns Main Players (CO)
DERVISH - Rotates Cards Left or Right (CS)
DEUCE - Plays 2 Encounter Cards (CI)
DICTATOR - Controls Destiny Deck (Base)
DIPLOMAT - Can Negotiate 3-Way Deals (CD)
DISEASE - Spreads to Other Planets (CI)
DOPPELGANGER - Borrows Cards to Play (CD)
DRAGON - Scorches Planets (CO)
EMPATH - May Change Attack to Negotiate (CC)
EMPEROR - Demands Tribute (CE)
ENGINEER - Gains Tech When Losing (CD)
ETHIC - Gets Compensation for Attack (CI)
EVIL TWIN - Avoids Penalties (CE)
EXPLORER - Finds New Planets (CD)
EXTORTIONIST - Gets Half of All New Cards (CA)
EXTRACTOR - Displaces Ships (CO)
FIDO - Retrieves Discarded Cards (Base)
FILCH - Takes Opponent's Used Card (Base)
FILTH - Drives Away Others' Ships (CC)
FIRE DANCER - Blocks Access (CE)
FODDER - Plays Additional Low Cards (Base)
FORCE - Can Replace an Encounter Card (CO)
FUNGUS - Attaches to Other Ship (CI)
FURY - Avenges Lost Ships (CI)
GAMBLER - Bluffs About Card (Base)
GEEK - Knows Too Much (CO)
GENERAL - Draws Cards for Allies (CA)
GENIUS - Wins with 20 Cards (CI)
GHOUL - Rewarded for Defeating Ships (CI)
GLUTTON - Gets Extra Ships and Cards (CC)
GORGON - Petrifies Others' Ships (CA)
GRAVITON - Compresses Attacks to 1 Digit (CC)
GREENHORN - Makes Convenient Mistakes (CD)
GREMLIN - Plays Hazard Cards (CO)
GRUDGE - Penalizes for Refusing to Ally (Base)
GRUMPUS - Kicks Others Off Vacated Planets (CS)
GRUMPUS - Kicks Others Off Home System (CO)
GUARDIAN - Ships Are Worth More As Ally (CO)
GUERRILLA - Winners Lose All But 1 Ship (CI)
HACKER - Chooses Compensation (Base)
HATE - Opponents Lose Cards or Ships (Base)
HEALER - Can Save Others' Ships from Warp (Base)
HORDE - Gains Tokens That Act as Ships (CA)
HOST - Plays and Adds Unused Flares (CD)
HUMAN - Mostly Harmless (Base)
HUNGER - Feeds on Others' Hands (CE)
HURTZ - Leases Ships (CO)
HYPOCHONDRIAC - Shares Anxiety (CE)
INDUSTRIALIST - Adds Losing Attack Cards (CC)
INFERNO - Collects Discarded Flares (CO)
INVADER - Launches Sneak Attacks (CC)
INSECT - Gains Control of New Aliens (CO)
JOKER - Makes Attack Cards Wild (CD)
JUDGE - Assigns Extra Win/Lose Terms (CD)
KAMIKAZE - Sacrifices Ships for Cards (Base)
KLUTZ - Fumbles Cards and Ships (CE)
LASER - Blinds Opponent to Part of Hand (CD)
LEMMING - Gains Colonies from Ships in The Warp (CO)
LEVIATHAN - May Attack with Planet (CI)
LIGHTNING - Gains and Takes Away Encounters (CA)
LIZARD - Metamorphoses After Winning (CD)
LLOYD - Protects Players' Assets (CO)
LOCUST - Eats Planets When Alone (CI)
LOCUST - Eats Planets (CO)
LOSER - Winner Loses and Loser Wins (Base)
LOVE - Makes the Cosmos Go 'Round (CD)
LUNATIC - Allies Against Self (CC)
MACHINE - Can Continue Turn (Base)
MACRON - Each Ship is Worth 4 (Base)
MAGICIAN - Steals Card, Confounds Opponent (CI)
MAGNET - Attracts or Repels an Ally (CO)
MASOCHIST - Tries to Lose Own Ships (Base)
MASOCHIST - Cannot Recover Ships (CO)
MAVEN - Is Always Right (CE)
THE MEEK - Wins by Losing Encounters (CO)
MERCENARY - Always Rewarded for Winning (CI)
MERCHANT - Plays Cards as Extra Ship (CI)
MESMER - Can Change Own Artifacts (CD)
MICRON - Ships Are Worth 2 (CO)
MIMIC - Copies Opponent's Hand Size (CC)
MIND - Sees Other Players' Hands (Base)
MIRAGE - Changes Number of Ships Involved (CD)
MIRROR - Swaps Digits on Attack Cards (Base)
MISER - Gets Second Hand (Base)
MITE - Demands Colony or Loss of Card (Base)
MOOCHER - Intrudes (CE)
MOUTH - Gobbles Up Cards (CS)
MUCKRAKER - Gets Allies Thrown Out (CD)
MULTITUDE - Grows Exponentially (CE)
MUTANT - Maintains 8-Card Hand (Base)
NANNY - Motivates (CE)
NEGATOR - Negates Actions (CO)
NEIGHBOR - Adds All Ships in System to Attack (CS)
NIGHTMARE - Gives Bad Dreams (CE)
OBSERVER - Allies Do Not Go to Warp (Base)
OLIGARCH - Gets Richer as Others Get Poorer (CE)
ORACLE - Foresees Opponent's Card (Base)
OUTLAW - Steals Cards from Opponents (CS)
PACIFIST - Wins with Negotiate Card (Base)
PACK RAT - Collects Objects (CE)
PARASITE - Joins Alliance at Will (Base)
PARTICLE - Planets Are Paired (CE)
PATRIOT - Offers Cards to Secure Loyalty (CS)
PEDDLER - Sells Cards (CE)
PENTAFORM - Has Five Life Stages (CD)
PERFECTIONIST - Keeps Only the Best (CE)
PERFECTIONIST - Sorts Out Trash (CO)
PHANTASM - Replaces Encounter Card (CS)
PHANTOM - Has Holographic Ships (CO)
PHILANTHROPIST - Gives Away Cards (Base)
PICKPOCKET - Lifts Cards from Other Players (CD)
PIRATE - Captures Ships for Booty (CD)
PLANT - Accumulates Opponents' Powers (CI)
POISON - Has Hazardous Home System (CA)
PORCUPINE - Discard Cards for Attack Power (CS)
PRETENDER - Moves to Best Seat (CE)
PROPHET - Predicts Encounter Winner (CC)
PYGMY - Colonies Count as Half (CA)
QUARTERMASTER - Delivers Rewards (CD)
REACTOR - Makes Aliens Super (CD)
REBORN - Filters Hand of Cards (CA)
REINCARNATOR - Uses Powers Not in Game (Base)
RELIC - Gains Power from New Hands (CC)
REMORA - Gets Cards or Ships With Others (Base)
REMOTE - Forces Others to Ally (CA)
RESERVE - Can Use Attacks as Reinforcements (Base)
ROACH - Spawns Additional Ships (CS)
SABOTEUR - Booby Traps Planets (CC)
SADIST - Wins by Killing Others' Ships (CC)
SADIST - Defeats Ships to Win (CO)
SAPIENT - Adds Wisdom Points (CA)
SCAVENGER - Searches Discard Pile (CS)
SCHIZOID - Changes Goal of Game (CA)
SCHIZOID - Changes How the Game Ends (CO)
SEEKER - Asks "Yes or No" Question (CI)
SHADOW - Removes Others' Ships (Base)
SHERIFF - Upholds the Law (CE)
SILENCER - Silences Other Players (CO)
SIREN - Entices Challengers (CC)
SKEPTIC - Doubles Risk of Encounters (CA)
SLOTH - Shows Up at Last Minute (CS)
SNEAK - Colonizes Attacker (CS)
SNIVELER - Catches Up When Behind (CI)
SORCERER - Can Switch Played Cards (Base)
SPIFF - Receives Colony as Loser (Base)
SQUEE - Is Dangerously Adorable (CS)
STING - Switches Lost Ships (CA)
SURGEON - Gives Aliens Facelifts (CE)
SWINDLER - Steals a Player's Identity (CS)
SYCOPHANT - Wins Through Flattery (CS)
SYMBIOTE - Has Twice as Many Ships (CI)
TENTACLE - Adds Digits to the Total (CO)
THROWBACK - Does things the old way (CO)
TICK-TOCK - Limits Length of Game (Base)
TIDE - Makes Players Draw or Discard (CS)
TORTOISE - Gets a Late Start (CE)
TOURIST - Travels on Cruise Liner (CD)
TRADER - Trades Hands with Opponent (Base)
TRICKSTER - Wins Encounters 50% of the Time (CC)
TRIPLER - Low Cards Triple, High Cards 1/3 (Base)
TYRANT - Claims Other Players' Ships (CS)
USURPER - Makes Allies Play Encounter Cards (CD)
VACUUM - Takes Others' Ships to Warp (Base)
VECTOR - Receives Opposite Rewards (CO)
VIRUS - Multiplies in Attack (Base)
VISIONARY - Dictates Encounter Card (CC)
VOID - Eradicates Opponents' Ships (Base)
VOID - Absorbs Opponents' Ships (CO)
VOX - Goes Up to Eleven (CS)
VOYAGER - Can Have a Colony in the Warp (CD)
VULCH - Collects Discarded Artifacts (Base)
WARHAWK - Never Negotiates (CC)
WARPISH - Adds Ships in Warp to Total (Base)
WARRIOR - Adds Experience Points (Base)
WHIRLIGIG - Mixes Two Hands (CD)
WILL - Not Controlled by Destiny (Base)
WINNER - Gets Extra Colonies (CA)
WITCH - Curses Players (CO)
WORM - Re-Aims Hyperspace Gate (CS)
WORMHOLE - Commits Ships from Warp (CS)
WRACK - Punishes for Playing Cards (CO)
XENOPHILE - Gains Strength from "Tourists" (CC)
YIN-YANG - Allies with Both Sides (CD)
ZILCH - Wins by Helping Another Player Win (CO)
ZOMBIE - Never Goes to Warp (Base)
ZOMBIE - Ships Never Stay in the Warp (CO)