Cosmic Alliance by Fantasy Flight Games
Cosmic Alliance is the third expansion for Cosmic Encounter, and it brings 20 alien races, both original and classic, exploding onto your tabletop. Players will now stand petrified by the hideous Gorgon, be baffled by the puzzle of the Schizoid, and feel obsolete before the bionics of the Cyborg.
Cosmic Alliance also makes the Cosmos even bigger, adding another player as well as rules for large eight-player games (if you own all three expansions).
Finally, Cosmic Alliance introduces a new variant – team rules, which allow steadfast allies to dominate the Cosmos together!
Animal - You have the power to Party
Bandit - You have the power to Take a Spin
Butler - You have the power to Serve
Chrysalis - You have the power to Change
Crystal - You have the power to Refract
Cyborg -You have the power of Bionics
Extortionist - You have the power to Extort
General - You have the power of Leadership
Gorgon - You have the power to Petrify
Horde - You have the power to Spawn
Lightning - You have the power of Speed
Poison - You have the power of Toxicity
Pygmy - You have the power of Half
Reborn -You have the power of Rebirth
Remote - You have the power to Control
Sapient - You have the power of Wisdom
Schizoid - You have the power to alter reality
Skeptic - You have the power to doubt
Sting - You have the power to Substitute
Winner - You have the power to Win More
20 Alien Sheets
54 Cards including:
24 Large Group Cosmic Cards
21 Flare Cards
3 Destiny Cards
6 Schizoid Cards
1 Player Colony Marker (white)
5 Player Planets (white)
20 Plastic Ships (white)
38 Horde Tokens
“I really don’t care what they call a Cosmic Encounter expansion, it should just say ‘You Will Buy Me Tom Vasel.’ Find out what he thinks of Cosmic Alliance.
Another mega fan, Luke Hector of the Broken Meeple, reviews the first four Cosmic Encounter expansions, Incursion, Conflict, Alliance and Storm.
Strategywizard does a duel review of the Cosmic Conflict and Cosmic Alliance Cosmic Encounter expansions for an interesting compare and contrast of all the components. Bottom line, “Please do consider buying them, they’re awesome!”
iSlayTheDragon gives Cosmic Alliance a 9.5/10. “More fun aliens! Team Cosmic variant is a fantastic new element to explore. 6-8 player games are much more palatable with new rules.”
Read Review
Designer's Diary - by Bill Eberle & Peter Olotka
COSMIC ALLIANCE + 1 Additional Player
The story in Cosmic Alliance was one of classic Eon vs nouveau FFG. We wanted the Schizoid to be able to make up its own victory conditions, but were overruled by the powers-that-be who gave the Schizoid a collection of cards letting players deduce the secret win conditions by a process of elimination. Win some, lose some.
Cosmic Alliance also had rules for an innovative Team Cosmic variant. And it brought in The Sapient alien from the now defunct Cosmic Encounter Online flash game.