Dune Championship Tournament 2021
May 24 - June 12
The EVX Dune Tournament 2021 is on! Brought to you by Future Pastimes and the Museum of Science Fiction's Escape Velocity Extra. It's all online, using Tabletop Simulator, Discord, and Twitch. Meet players from around the DUNEiverse to compete for the title, all from the comfort and safety of your home (or Sietch).
The elite players on the Dune Tabletop Discord will be managing all the tournament details. The tournament will start on May 24, 2021, but you have until the end of May to play the first game. The Finals are expected to take place on Saturday, June 12 2021.
Tournament Tips - Prepare to Watch or Play
Join the DUNE Tabletop Discord to play
Read the #welcome, #newbie-questions, and the Official Dune Tournament channels
Watch the tournament on one of these Twitch channels Eichmal | Jayne | Future Pastimes
Get the latest DUNE Rules & DUNE FAQ from Gale Force Nine
DUNE in Tabletop Simulator on Steam
You’ll be playing in a custom TTS Dune mod, optimized for tournament play. Thanks to Krell, Pyko, Melle Sterk, Jayne Cz, and Awpteamoose for their work on this mind blowing mod! HAL YAWM!